15 July 2011

Only happens to me...

There comes a time in everyone's life that they wonder why they were set upon this Earth and what makes them special. A while ago, I discovered that my thing is odd/strange things only happen to me. What people think are the impossible, actually become the truth in Ashley's life. For instance, if you are reading this and say, "Whatever, she just wishes she was cool," I ask of you, have you ever discovered a snake in your car? One that you drove around with until discovering it's death by way of smell 4 weeks later? Still don't believe me, have you ever got hit and run over by a car at the same time? Nope, I didn't think so. It's become a rather astonishing trait of mine to the effect that my friends just expect things to happen when they are hanging out with me.

So with that, I share a story that occurred this morning. While I was not trapped in a box and traveling around a jungle, it is still a puzzle to be solved. The facts are:

June 27th, Comcast comes to apartment and hooks up two cable adapters.

June 29th, Ashley buys new TV and upgrades to HD cable

July 1st, Ashley and mother return ONE adapter to Comcast office in person and go home with an actual cable box. The other adapter remains hooked up to Ashley's TV in her bedroom. While at the Comcast office, the lady scans the serial number off the back of the old adapter and gives a return receipt to Ashley.

July 1st, later that day, cable is not working so Ashley calls in to get them to resend the signal. Large living room TV begins to work, bedroom TV does not.

July 15th, Ashley decides that she wants her cable to work on the TV again in her bedroom and calls Comcast. After going through 20 minutes with the automated system and confusing the poor automated lady, Ashley gets transferred to a real person. The person tells her that the serial number of the box Ashley is trying to get to work isn't on the account. Insert, first sign of trouble. The lady sends the signal to the new cable box's serial number and just like magic, I have cable in my bedroom again. But, what's that Comcast lady? Oh yes, now my account says I have 1 cable box and two adapters.

Now at this point in the story, this is the time to ask yourself, how could this have happened? Ashley has the return receipt stating that she returned one of the boxes. Well, the poor Comcast lady transferred me to the billing department where I proceeded to talk to a very nice gentleman about this problem. After running around the apartment searching frantically for the return receipt, I find it under a magnet on the fridge. Classic Ashley ditz story. Anyway, the returned box serial number on the receipt is the same serial number on the box in my bedroom. Therefore, I started to think, I bet the Comcast office took the wrong adapter off of my account when I went in. The nice gentleman informed me that he's never seen anything like this in all his years of working at Comcast. He said they use an ACTUAL SCANNER SO HOW DID THEY SCAN THE WRONG ADAPTER AT YOUR HOUSE?! It is at this point that we both just start laughing hysterically because really, not only is this impossible to happen, but no, it did happen.

After holding for a couple of minutes, he comes back on line and gave me the serial number of the adapter that should have gone off of the account originally. He told me that after talking to his proceeding manager and that manager going to her manager, the conclusion is that Comcast office are idiots. "Adding insult to injury, they have to scan the serial number ma'am. I'm still scratching my head wondering what happened here."

Conclusion, well, I still have to go into the actual office again but this time it should be fun. The question still stands though, how did the adapter in my bedroom get scanned at the Comcast office?

And people wonder why I am so strange.

1 comment:

  1. These things really do only happen to you. I remember when Josh Nisly ran over your foot in the IHOP parking lot. I also love your last sentence, it cracked me up. I love you.
