12 July 2011

The blog post you've all been waiting for...

How is my apartment? Roommate? Life? Things that really do not matter in the wide scope of things? I am here to answer all of those question in a blog post that is hopefully not as long as I'm thinking it is going to be!

First of all, starting off about the new apartment and roommate...she is great! Her name is Farah, can't remember if I've covered that yet or not. Anyway, being from the midwest, we have a lot in common and have lived together for a couple weeks now without any major disagreements. Thus, conclusion is that it will be great! As for 10 weeks down the road, who knows but for now, all is groovy.

I was in Florida last week and sadly enough came back just as pale as I was when I arrived. It was cloudy all week with rainstorms and my studying for the CPA exam cut into my tanning time. :( Thanks nature. Speaking of the exam, I have the first section on Thursday and am about to pee my pants from nervousness. I took one practice exam today and am doing the second one tomorrow. My brain hurts but I don't think it has realized that this is just the beginning! I still will have three more tests to go!

Tanya wins the prize for being the best cousin as she took one look at my frames and sent me current photos of Jonathan and Hannah. As for those of you who have promised me new photos, for there has been several, just know that you aren't not winning currently. :)

I had the lovely discovery piece of mail from the Arlington County vehicle personal property division informing me that on top of paying over $85 to retitle my car and get new tags, I now need to send in a $33 check to get a sticker for my car for housing it in Arlington County. If that wasn't enough, I also am going to have to pay personal property taxes. I can't even wait to see how much they are going to nail me for those. Ugh. So basically, after decorating my apartment, paying personal property taxes, and doing all the things to become an official VA resident, I can no longer to ever move again. My wallet is zipped shut for years thanks to the very Government that I signed up to audit. *insert my evil laugh...their time is a-coming*

How's my social life you ask? Well...this is the point in the blog post that normal people my age would go on and on about how their meeting tons of people and having the time of their lives. As for me...I'll just cough uncomfortably and say, "Oh yes, yes, everything is just peachy. I have this wonderful life with lots of friends and we do fun things constantly. I definitely do not sit in my room at my computer for 8 hours a day studying. Not at all!" If you get my meaning....

Last Saturday was my five year high school reunion. Now the people that read this know just how much I loveeeeed my years at Haven and have fond fond memories. (Sarcastic? Perhaps a tad bit) I just do not understand the point of a five year. Now ten years, I will be happy to go to that one. But I'm just getting settled into my adult life, I do not have anything to tell them. Ya, I live in DC, am sitting for the CPA exam, and had three job offers right out of college. Oh ya, I also have three degrees. Okay okay, perhaps I do have a few things to be proud of and while I am proud of them, I also need a little more time in my life to get settled. Thus, I did not go and wish I regretted that decision more. I heard that there were around 14 people who showed up, therefore I obviously wasn't the only one who thought that way.

For the part of this blog that I am supposed to inform you what I am watching via Netflix, there isn't much to inform about. What this weekend does represent though is an ending to my childhood. The final installment in the Harry Potter series is released on the big screen at midnight on Thursday. I have bittersweet feelings about this as it is a part of my childhood that defined my mind/brain. J.K. Rowlings (the author) led me to a imaginary world that people such as C.S. Lewis wished to led his readers to but did not succeed on the level that she did. I grew up with many people telling me how evil the books are/were yet I pushed through to finish the series, for as one who has read the books knows, once you pick up that first one and send the first year at Hogwarts, there is no going back. It is still my regret that my house growing up did not have a chimney where I could have received my invitation to Hogwarts. I suppose the ranting of this leads to the conclusion that even if you think that wizardry is evil, don't knock it until you have read them yourselves. Once you have done that, I know you'll be thanking me. And if you are too old, encourage your children. So many of people my age enjoy reading now as J.K. Rowling made the concept of "reading" cool again. And our educational mindsets thank her.

Well, it is time for me to sign off. I have been thinking a lot about the movie The Princess Bride lately so I shall end this with one of my favorite quotes (appropriate as I just went to a wedding in Virginia Beach this past weekend):

Mawage. Mawage is wot bwings us togeder tooday. Mawage, that bwessed awangment, that dweam wifin a dweam...

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