05 November 2010

Cough Cough Cough

As the title states...that seems to be all I'm doing lately. Well, that and waiting for a call from any of the 4 companies I had second visits to. Its just turning into a waiting game and hoping and praying.

And its Friday which means I have this whole weekend to lay in my bed and forget that I have a tax retake exam on Monday. Yesterday I arrived home to a package from Amazon that I had ordered in June. There were 3 books inside and one of them got released on Monday, therefore they waiting to ship all of them until this week. It was super exciting!! Now the decision to read or study plagues me. My choices could be a lot worse I suppose.

It has decided to turn cold here this week. I saw jackets of all sorts coming outs and boots. Its interesting being on a large school campus as there is name branding happening everywhere. I can look at almost any girl and pick out the brands that she is wearing. Whether it might be UGG boots or North Face jackets...I'll be able to tell what every one is asking for Christmas.

I started looking at apartments in DC and there are so many options to chose from! I'm currently accepting applications from anyone who is interested in moving there with me as rent is so much cheaper with more than one person.

I'm also thinking about investing in a new car. Heard a speaker yesterday who really put things into perspective about finances and school loans. I'm afraid of not getting a good interest rate once my credit score is hit by all the aspects of moving to the city. My poor car has been through a lot with me but when I start is and the anti-lock button pops up about 4 minutes after being started and sometimes it shudders instead of braking...ya, not feeling too safe. Might I also add that it has left me stranded in the middle of a busy road already once? Anyway, any ideas what kind of car should belong to me? I'm really loving the Honda Civic hybrids. I want a four door, good gas mileage, preferably not white. Not so hard? Right?

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