16 February 2011

2nd Semester Craziness

This marks almost a month to the date from when I last wrote a blog post. I have to be the worst blogger in history. To everyone who might actually read this, I'm truely sorry. Things have been full speed ahead for the last couple of days. Last night, I finally reached the end of my absolute crazy days and realized that it was only Tuesday. I'm done with my homework for the rest of the week and had an hour long presentation this morning. One might think, wow, that girl is really doing well keeping ahead of her work load. WRONG. I can't get ahead. As I was telling Joel last night, I'm not behind, I just can't get ahead no matter how much I attempt to.

It wasn't until I got the email this morning from Sondra stating that her and Chad had their new baby (Hello Adam!) that I realized I have been an awful person staying up on my family's lives and keeping you all updated on mine! So here's a few facts:

1. Mom and Dad are loving the new Florida house. Chloe gets sick. Nothing changes there.
2. Josh is too busy with his "cool new school friends" and stuck in freshman year dreamland of college to keep in contact with any of us to let us know that he is alive.
3. Britney is coming to visit me in March, I cannot wait until her visit as I miss my friends from Kansas dearly. Don't worry, that doesn't mean I miss them enough to move home :) Sorry!
4. I'm almost 3/4 done with grad school. How this year has flown. I've made wonderful friends that will stay with me for years and a lot of them are moving to DC with me!
5. I have decided that I'm going to live alone in DC. After careful and thoughtful consideration, I've come to the realization that this is for the best. I love people but after a day of hard work, its nice to have peace and quiet as well.
6. Keron and I bought our plane tickets to go to Florida for spring break! We are so excited to see the new house and have a great time!
7. I filed my taxes as my own dependent for the first time this year as well as doing them myself. Just call me Ms. Accountant :)
8. The Hevener's are all getting ready to depart on their cruise that I'm not going on.

As you can see, things are flying through my head a million miles per minute and I am going a little crazy!!!

Gotta go, have to do more homework and grade these exams!


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